Agopuntura. Manuale energetico dei punti

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A. Bangrazi, F. Petti, A. Liguori - EdizionParacelso. 110 pagine - figure fuori testo. Nuova edizione. Una pubblicazione chiara e sistematica che descrive il percorso dei 12 meridiani regolari, la localizzazione e la funzione energetica di tutti gli agopunti


A. Bangrazi, F. Petti, A. Liguori
110 pages
This text represents a first level of collection and exposition, and is intended to enable the acupuncturist to easily and correctly use the technique of point finding and knowledge of their main energy roles.
From the point of view of content, it should be noted that: 
1. The manual is a systematic collection of the elements that need constant reference and are most frequently used.
2. Although it does not contain all the elements at this stage, it may constitute a sufficient level of knowledge in relation to current practice.
3. The elements reported have been verified by daily therapeutic practice.
4. The need to make the text as clear and as complete as possible in its necessarily limited context has been borne in mind. 
This manual has been compiled with a view to easy reference for those who are sufficiently familiar with the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine and to practise acupuncture.